Inspiration Systems
...Simple Better Systems
Copyright © 2018 by bob hourigan
All Rights reserved

The Latest Software.........

All the latest software can be downloaded via the links below. The software will run on all 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10). Simply Click on the required link, allow the download. If the file downloaded is a ZIP file, be sure to unzip the file to a known location prior to attempting the installation. All downloaded files will saved into your "Downoads" folder which is a subfolder of the C:\Users folder.

Note: The latest versions of Windows use a system called "dotnet". This dotnet system reduces the on disk & in memory size of programs as it contains numerous functions and procedures common to all Windows operational programs. Our installers allow you to select the dotnet version installed on your PC. When selecting the dotnet version make sure the "Main Section" selection always remains ticked and untick all of the dotnets not required. The "NetTesters" download can display all the current versions of the dotnet system installed on your PC. If your PC doesn't include a dotnet system an error will be reported when you try to run Netest.exe from the download below. NetTest.exe doesn't use the dotnet system and will display all but dotnet4 versions. Most of the DOTNET versions can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site.
Always install the highest version number matching the available DOTNETS on your computer.

Xlink-64 - Dual G code editor with Transfers. 
Filename: XL-64-Setup.ZIP

XlinkAdvance - Gcode, Mazatrol (CMT), Mazak & Okuma LAN Transfers.
Filename: XlinkAdv-Setup.ZIP

Xlink-IQ - Gcode, Mazatrol (CMT), Mazak & Okuma LAN Transfers with additional Jobbing Database facilities. Note: This setup does not include the image files. These can be downloaded from the link below if required.
Filename: Xlink-IQ-Setup.ZIP

Xstorm-64 - Mazatrol (CMT) & Mazak Lan Transfers.
Filename: XStorm-64-Setup.ZIP

Xgate-64 - Transfer for our BTR boards.
Filename: XGate-64-Setup.ZIP

- The tooling image files for Xlink-IQ... Filename: Tool-Images-Setup.exe

Nettesters - 2 programs that display the installed "dotnet" versions on your PC. Filename:

CvrtGriffo - Converts Griffo Bros format files to the Xseries format. 
Filename: ConvertGriffo.exe
Note: At the time of installation the user must select where the convert program is to be installed which will be the transfer software folder. i.e. C:\Xstorm-64, C:\XlinkAdvance,
C:\Xlink-IQ. Failure to select a valid folder will result in an error in the operation of the convert program

Note: the machine parameter password is z00insp and the
Master Parameters Password is z99insp

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