Inspiration Systems
...Simple Better Systems
Copyright © 2018 by bob hourigan
All Rights reserved

Previous Windows Based Software......

All the previous versions of our transfer software is for the Windows 95 thru Windows XP operating systems and can be downloaded via the links below. Simply Click on the link and allow the download. Most of the download files are in the zip format and will be in your download folder. Unzip the files to a known folder and run the Setup.exe file from this folder. Note: The latest versions will work in Windows XP 32 bit version and you should install these versions if this is a new install.

Xlink - 16/32 bit version...................................Filename: Xlink.Zip

Xgate - Xlink version for our BTR boards............Filename: Xgate.Zip

XEdit - Stand alone editor...............................Filename:

XlinkDb - Xlink with jobbing Database................Filename: Xlinkdb.Zip

XlinkFast - Fast Xlink for High Speed Transfers...Filename: XlinkFast.Zip

XlinkMulti - Multiple CNC Simultaneous transfers..Filename:

Xstorm - Mazak Mazatol (CMT) transfers.........Filename: Xstorm.Zip

XstormLite - Mazak Mazatol (CMT) transfers.....Filename: XstormLite.Zip

CreateKey - Software Unlock program for the above software.... Creatrekey.exe

Cables - Diagrams for a variety of CNC controls..... Cables.pdf

Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL's)for the above Xseries software....

Note: the machine parameter password is z10insp.

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